<Background />
The <Background />
component makes it convenient to render different types of
backgrounds common in node-based UIs. It comes with three variants: lines
and cross
<script lang="ts">
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
import { SvelteFlow, Background, BackgroundVariant } from '@xyflow/svelte';
const nodes = writable([]);
const edges = writable([]);
<SvelteFlow nodes={nodes} edges={edges}>
<Background bgColor="#ccc" variant={BackgroundVariant.Dots} />
Name | Type | Default |
# id? | string |
# class? | string |
# bgColor? | string |
# patternColor? | string |
# patternClass? | string |
# gap? | number | [number, number] The gap between patterns. Passing in a tuple allows you to control the x and y gap independently. |
# size? | number The radius of each dot or the size of each rectangle if
BackgroundVariant.Dots or BackgroundVariant.Cross is used. This defaults to 1 or 6 respectively, or ignored if BackgroundVariant.Lines is used. |
# lineWidth? | number |
# variant? |
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