Connection Line
A Connection Line is what you see when you click and drag out from a handle. It represents a possible edge and can snap to valid handles in close proximity.
You can implement your own Connection Line by passing a Svelte component with slot="connectionLine"
. The useConnection
hook gives you access to the current connection
<script lang="ts">
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
import { SvelteFlow, Background, BackgroundVariant, type Edge, type Node } from '@xyflow/svelte';
import CustomNode from './CustomNode.svelte';
import ConnectionLine from './ConnectionLine.svelte';
import '@xyflow/svelte/dist/style.css';
const nodeTypes = {
custom: CustomNode
const nodes = writable<Node[]>([
id: 'connectionline-1',
type: 'custom',
data: { label: 'Node 1' },
position: { x: 250, y: 5 }
const edges = writable<Edge[]>([]);
<div style="height:100vh;">
<SvelteFlow {nodeTypes} {nodes} {edges} fitView>
<ConnectionLine slot="connectionLine" />
<Background variant={BackgroundVariant.Lines} />
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