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πŸ“£ We just released Svelte Flow 1.0 Alpha β€” try it out and give us your feedback!



This util is a convenience function to add a new Edge to an array of edges. It also performs some validation to make sure you don't add an invalid edge or duplicate an existing one.

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Given an array of nodes that may be connected to one another and an array of all your edges, this util gives you an array of edges that connect any of the given nodes together.

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This util is used to tell you what nodes, if any, are connected to the given node as the source of an edge.

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Returns the bounding box that contains all the given nodes in an array. This can be useful when combined with getTransformForBounds to calculate the correct transform to fit the given nodes in a viewport.

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This util is used to tell you what nodes, if any, are connected to the given node as the target of an edge.

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The getSmoothStepPath util returns everything you need to render a stepped path between two nodes. The borderRadius property can be used to choose how rounded the corners of those steps are.

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This util returns the viewport for the given bounds. You might use this to pre-calculate the viewport for a given set of nodes on the server or calculate the viewport for the given bounds _without_ changing the viewport directly.

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Test whether an object is useable as an Edge. In TypeScript this is a type guard that will narrow the type of whatever you pass in to Edge if it returns true.

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Test whether an object is useable as an Node. In TypeScript this is a type guard that will narrow the type of whatever you pass in to Node if it returns true.

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