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ExamplesInteractionComputing Flows

Computing Flows

This example combines useNodeConnections,useNodesData and updateNodeData helpers for handling data flow between nodes.

<script lang="ts"> import { writable } from 'svelte/store'; import { SvelteFlow, Controls, Background, BackgroundVariant, MiniMap, type Node, type NodeTypes, type Edge } from '@xyflow/svelte'; import '@xyflow/svelte/dist/style.css'; import TextNode from './TextNode.svelte'; import UppercaseNode from './UppercaseNode.svelte'; import ResultNode from './ResultNode.svelte'; const nodeTypes: NodeTypes = { text: TextNode, uppercase: UppercaseNode, result: ResultNode }; const nodes = writable<Node[]>([ { id: '1', type: 'text', data: { text: 'hello' }, position: { x: -100, y: -50 } }, { id: '1a', type: 'uppercase', data: {}, position: { x: 100, y: 0 } }, { id: '2', type: 'text', data: { text: 'world' }, position: { x: 0, y: 100 } }, { id: '3', type: 'result', data: {}, position: { x: 300, y: 50 } } ]); const edges = writable<Edge[]>([ { id: 'e1-1a', source: '1', target: '1a' }, { id: 'e1a-3', source: '1a', target: '3' }, { id: 'e2-3', source: '2', target: '3' } ]); </script> <main> <SvelteFlow {nodes} {edges} {nodeTypes} fitView> <Controls /> <Background variant={BackgroundVariant.Dots} /> <MiniMap /> </SvelteFlow> </main> <style> main { height: 100vh; display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; } </style>
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