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📣 We just released Svelte Flow 1.0 Alpha — try it out and give us your feedback!
ExamplesNodesEasy Connect

Easy Connect

Fed up with tiny little connection handles? Make your whole node act as one! Keep in mind though that you need to define separate drag handles in this case to still be able to drag the node.

<script lang="ts"> import { writable } from 'svelte/store'; import { ConnectionLineType, MarkerType, SvelteFlow, Background, type Node, type Edge } from '@xyflow/svelte'; import CustomNode from './CustomNode.svelte'; import '@xyflow/svelte/dist/style.css'; import { initialNodes, initialEdges } from './nodes-and-edges'; import FloatingEdge from './FloatingEdge.svelte'; const nodes = writable<Node[]>(initialNodes); const edges = writable<Edge[]>(initialEdges); const nodeTypes = { custom: CustomNode }; const edgeTypes = { floating: FloatingEdge }; const defaultEdgeOptions = { style: 'stroke-width: 3; stroke: black;', type: 'floating', markerEnd: { type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed, color: 'black' } }; const connectionLineStyle = 'stroke: black; stroke-width: 3;'; </script> <div style="height:100vh;"> <SvelteFlow {nodes} {nodeTypes} {edges} {edgeTypes} {defaultEdgeOptions} connectionLineType={ConnectionLineType.Straight} {connectionLineStyle} fitView > <Background /> </SvelteFlow> </div>
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